BIO5/BIOSA Student-Industry Networking Event (Campus Partner)


1 – 6 p.m., Feb. 13, 2024

The BIO5 Institute and BioIndustry Organization Southern Arizona (BIOSA)'s SINE event has been successful at connecting hundreds of UAZ students with representatives from the Arizona bioscience industry annually. Each year SINE will attract undergraduate and graduate students in life sciences, medicine, chemistry, engineering, computer and information sciences and business programs and put them face-to-face with many bioscience organizations from across Arizona.

This learning opportunity is important to students in being able to prepare for future jobs in industry, business, service organizations, and/or administration. They are able to meet potential mentors, secure summer internships, and, in many cases, even achieve permanent employment after graduation with their internship hosts. We encourage students to consult with the industry leaders and UAZ alumni who participate in SINE about employment strategies and professional tips to ease the transition from college to the workforce.

The 16th Student Industry Networking Event will commence on February 13, 2024 from 4-6 p.m.

SINE 2024 will have three sessions:

  • 1-2 p.m. Career and Entrepreneurship Education Resources (Info Session on ZOOM)
  • 2:30-3:30 p.m. Hiring Trends in the Biomedical Industry (Industry Panel on ZOOM)
  • 4-6 p.m. BIO5/BIOSA Student Industry Networking Event (In-person at the University of Arizona BIO5 Institute)

Register here


Uwe Hilgert