Git and GitHub with RStudio (Campus Partner)


9 – 11 a.m., April 23, 2024

This is a Campus Partner event by the Data Cooperative and the UA Libraries. 

Ready to stop e-mailing code to your collaborators? Want a better way of keeping track of the changes you make on your programming projects? The Git system is designed to make collaboration easier and more transparent. This lesson provides an introduction to the version control system Git, one central sharing point called GitHub, and how you can use the two in RStudio.

All sessions (view the full R and Python schedule here) will be 9-11 AM on Tuesday morning (MST) in hybrid format: we will be in the Data Studios of the Main Library and running a concurrent Zoom session.

For information on connecting to online sessions, reach out to us on the r channel of the UA Data Science Slack workspace or contact Jeff Oliver.

To get the most out of these workshops, participants should bring a laptop with R and RStudio installed.


Jeff Oliver