Pragmatic Project Management for Everyone (Campus Partner)


1 – 2:30 p.m., Oct. 30, 2024

This is a campus partner event held by the UA Data Science Institute.

The purpose of the Research Productivity Workshop series is to help alleviate the challenges with creating a
culture for diverse teams to thrive, planning, and managing projects. These sessions will benefit faculty, researchers, staff, and students (undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral) planning your next
project, currently working on projects, and preparing for your next grant proposal submission. Sessions
offered in this series:

  • Leadership through Project Management: Team Culture Tips for Successful Research Projects
  • Planning for Your Next Research Project
  • Pragmatic Project Management for Everyone

The purpose of this session is to help track a project from start to finish. This session will highlight project management methodologies, tools, techniques, and AI tools. You will learn best practices to develop effective meeting agendas from in-progress reviews to standup meetings. We will examine project examples to illustrate tracking tasks, milestones, and critical metrics from the beginning to the end of your project. 

Visit the event page to register and view more information about the Research Productivity Workshop Series. 


Rudy Salcido