Diana Wanjiru Githu

Diana is a doctoral student and Fulbright Scholar in the Arid Lands Resource Sciences program. A native of Nairobi, Kenya, she earned degrees and diplomas from the Kenyan Institute of Management and the University of Nairobi. After serving as a field office coordinator for the Rehabilitation of Arid Environments in Kenya, she earned a master’s degree from University of Arizona’s School of Natural Resources. Her doctoral research will focus on the food-water-energy nexus in Kenya. She will investigate how to balance the agricultural role of rangelands with oil production, the potential for agrivoltaics to reduce the food-versus-energy conflict, and equitable solutions to food security. Diana is excited to sharpen her skills at the University of Arizona and to increase her knowledge base in order to addressing the complex socio-economic and environmental challenges affecting the rangelands of Kenya, Africa, and the rest of the world.