Donna Treloar

Director, Graduate Center Initiatives
Director, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium (UROC)
Coordinator, UA/Sloan Indigenous Graduate Partnership

Donna Treloar (Sicangu Lakota) serves as the Director of Graduate Center Initiatives. She is originally from the Black Hills of South Dakota and made Tucson her home several years ago. Donna earned her bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and has a master’s degree in American Indian Studies, both from The University of Arizona. She has been primarily employed by the Graduate College throughout her career and currently manages The University of Arizona/Sloan Indigenous Graduate Partnership Scholarship for Native American STEM graduate students, serves on the Graduate College Scholarship Committee, and leads the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium (UROC) management team. Donna contributes significantly to the recruitment, retention, and success of graduate students at the University, while also supporting diversity initiatives and undergraduate research programs.