Tina Workman

Tina is a doctoral student in the College of Nursing’s PhD program. She is a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) with over 16 years of experience across 7 states. She earned her BS in Nursing and an MS in Nurse Anesthesia from Virginia Commonwealth University; she also has a Post Masters Nurse Educator Certificate from The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, where she developed and implemented an innovative and interdisciplinary training simulation called “The Unanticipated Emergency Intubation in the Hospital Setting; an Intaprofessional Emergency Airway Team-Based Simulation Training Experience.” The success of the training has led to its incorporation into the curriculum at Johns Hopkins University and her appointment as an adjunct lecturer for the simulation, which she leads four times a year. Her dissertation will address additional means to reduce error and improve patient outcomes following airway emergencies. Outside of nursing, Tina is an avid sailor and sailboat racing enthusiast. She founded two charitable organizations, “Rent-A-Husband” which assists with needs of families of deployed military soldiers, and “The Noah Spencer Foundation,” a non-profit that provides disabled children with outdoor and competitive experiences through the help of a coordinated team of volunteers.