Community and Online Resources

We can help you find resources on and off campus to support your communication and other professional development goals. This page will be updated on a regular basis, and we encourage you to email us resources to include in the list.

Graduate Writing Lab - The Graduate Center's Graduate Writing Lab assists graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in becoming more skillful, knowledgeable writers over the course of their career at the university. We provide multiple services to support writers.

Career Services - The Graduate Center's Career Services team supports graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in all stages of career development by providing individual consultations, workshops and presentations, curated resource lists and documents, and support for departments and programs.

UArizona Libraries' For Graduate Students website - The links under the "Become a Better Scholar" and "Sharpening Your Research Skills" headings are particularly useful.

UArizona Writing Skills Improvement Program (WSIP) - Offers a wide variety of workshops and services including tutoring, the Graduate Writing Institute, and editing services. 

UArizona Think Tank's Writing Center - Free tutoring is offered across campus and online; students can get help from certified student tutors on writing projects. Graduate students should schedule through the Graduate Writing Lab tab if they would like to consult with a graduate tutor.

National Center for Faculty Diversity and Development Webinars and Writing Resources - Webinars on a variety of topics and writing support resources, including writing challenges, accountability buddy matching, and dissertation/article writing resources

How to Write a Great Research Paper and Get it Accepted by a Good Journal

ICMJE Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work – Offers recommendations for writers in all disciplines, especially those in the medical and biomedical sciences, to navigate authorship questions

UArizona Student Engagement and Career Development (SECD) Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Resume Writing Resources - Resumes page

Grad Slam - A presentation competition and workshop series that builds public speaking proficiency while celebrating the research, community engagement, and creative work of graduate students.

AAUW Start Smart Workshops on Salary, Interviewing, and Negotiation - A workshop series cohosted by the Graduate Center and the Tucson Chapter of the AAUW.


UArizona Computer Based Training - Sign in using your NetId and password to access online training modules for software ranging from Windows products, Adobe, and more. For every course that you complete, you will receive a certificate from the Virtual Training Company, a reputable online training service.

UITS Research Computing – Services for the computation of large data sets, data evaluation guidance, data visualization (including a 3D immersion room, AZ-LIVE), and free statistical consulting


Sources for high-quality, free, public domain, CC 0, attribution-free images:

  • Unsplash - popular free photos representing human diversity
  • Pixabay
  • Flickr
  • nappy - high-resolution photos that include people of color
  • Rawpixel - wide-range of illustrations, graphics, photos, vector and .psd files - requires
  • account creation
  • UA Libraries has an excellent list of image sources


Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity (C.R.A.P.) & Other Design Tips

Charts and Graphs