Graduate Writing Groups

Graduate Writing Groups are month-long writing communities that provide support and accountability as students pursue their writing goals. Participants commit to the following:

  • Attend a two-hour planning session to refine the month’s writing goals  
  • Meet with a graduate tutor once during the month to discuss writing and/or the writing process
  • Participate in at least one Writing Efficiency Session each week
  • Attend a weekly one-hour group meeting to discuss the previous week’s achievements and the subsequent week’s goals

If you would like to propose a writing group for a department or group of students, or if you have other questions, please send us an email, and we will be happy to work with you.

Summer 2024 Graduate Writing Groups

All groups are free and meet online. If you would like to propose a writing group for a department or group of students, or if you have other questions, please send us an email, and we will be happy to work with you. Although groups are tailored for specific students, all groups are open to everyone.

UPDATE, May 14, 2024: The Summer Dissertation Writing Group is at capacity and registration has closed. Our team encourages students to use the Graduate Writing Tutors for individual consultations and feedback and Writing Efficiency Sessions for accountability and community.

Summer Dissertation Writing Group

This writing group will provide students with opportunities for writing productivity and peer feedback on their dissertation (e.g., dissertation proposal, chapters, etc.).

The dissertation writing group will meet from 11:00am – 1:00pm on Tuesdays from May 21st – June 25th.

During our meetings, students will participate in the following writing activities:

  • Write together as a group using structured writing sprints and breaks
  • Weekly check-ins in small groups on individual writing goals
  • Peer feedback on their writing

We hope this group can be a helpful space for graduate students to build community with fellow dissertators and make progress towards their writing goals!

Questions? Contact Shelley Hawthorne Smith ( and Judy Salcido (
We look forward to working together.


Fall 2023

  • Writing Group for LGBTQ+ Grad students (September/October 2023)
  • Dissertating Writers in Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (September/October 2023)
  • Writing Group for Graduate Parents (September/October 2023)
  • First Generation Graduate Student Writers (September/October 2023)
  • First-Year Graduate Student Writers (October/November 2023)
  • Doctoral Writing Group for International Scholars (October/November 2023)
  • Writing Group for Students Transitioning from Professional Work to Grad School (October/November 2023)

Summer 2023

  • Writing Group for Indigenous Students (June/July 2023)
  • Writing Group for Women in Science (June/July 2023)
  • Dissertating Writers in Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (July/August 2023)

Spring 2023

  • Master's Students with International Interests Who are Writing About Fine Arts (Spring 2023)
  • Master's Students of Color in the Arts (Spring 2023)
  • Doctoral Writing Group for Non-Native English Speakers (Spring 2023)
  • Dissertation Writing Accountability Group (February/March 2023)
  • Writing Group for Underrepresented Students in STEM (February/March 2023)
  • Writing Group for Underrepresented/Master's Students in STEM (February/March 2023)
  • Master's Students Doing Humanistic Research (February/March 2023)
  • Doctoral Writing Group for Queer or Non-Binary Writers (March/April 2023)
  • Summer 2022
  • Writing Group for Students of Color in Health Sciences (June/July 2022)
  • Writing Group for Dissertating Students (June/July 2022)

Spring 2022

  • Writing Group for Dissertating Women of Color (February/March 2022)
  • Writing Group for First-Year Graduate Student Writers (February/March 2022)
  • Writing Group for Engineers (February/March 2022)
  • Writing Group for CALS students (March/April 2022)
  • Writing Group for Parents (March/April 2022)
  • Writing Group for Women in STEM (March/April 2022)

Other Campus Writing Groups

We are happy to promote other campus writing groups that are not affiliated with the Graduate Center.

Please email with details to request posting your group's information