Terrance Pitt-Brooke
University Fellows Cohort Member, 2014-2015
DMA Student, Music - Choral Conducting

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Terrance Pitt-Brooke is a DMA student in Choral Conducting in the Fred Fox School of Music. He studied composition at the University of Toronto under Oskar Morawetz and Talivaldis Kenins, and conducting with Jon Washburn in Vancouver and Robert Fountain at the University of Wicsonsin. He has worked as a conductor and educator in a wide range of environments: church, community choir, high school, college, and professional ensembles. As a musician,
Pitt-Brooke’s interests range from Medieval to contemporary and from jazz to symphonic; his skill sets include scholar, critic, composer, performer and teacher. Additional interests include physics, natural history, food security, and sustainability issues.