Meaningful Writing Experiences: The Genre of the Testimonio (Campus Partner)


9 – 10:30 a.m., Oct. 20, 2023

This is a Campus Partner event held by WAC (Writing Across the Curriculum) and UCATT (University Center for Assessment, Teaching, and Technology).

Come celebrate National Day on Writing and learn about the genre of testimonio. Designed for instructors, this event spotlights the important work of our colleague Melani Martinez. As an HSI, our university is a wonderful context for asset-based and culturally relevant writing projects like testimonio. This event will begin with a talk introducing testimonio and allow time for reflection on how to apply concepts to your own teaching. Food and coffee will be provided. 

Guest: Melani Martinez, Department of English

Place: Main Library B252 (Catalyst Studios)

Please RSVP using the registration form.
