Gloria Ines Orozco Dorado

Gloria is a Doctorate of Musical Arts student focusing on clarinet performance in the Fred Fox School of Music. She graduated from Universidad del Cauca with a bachelor's degree in clarinet performance, from Northeastern Illinois University with a Master's degree in Applied Pedagogy, and from Southern Illinois University with two Master's degrees in Clarinet Performance and Music Theory and Composition. The underlying purpose for her professional training has been to help the development of communities in areas affected by civil wars and crime in Colombia. Because of the environment she grew up in, she profoundly believes that everyone has the right to quality education. Additionally, she is mindful of the richness that diversity brings everywhere. She is grateful she has had the opportunity to work with Indigenous, Afro-Colombians, and Mestizos in her own country and with people from many different backgrounds in the USA. At the University of Arizona, Gloria will refine her performance capabilities and find opportunities to continue growing as a person and professional. In addition, she strives to learn more about her own culture and others. Finally, she hopes to continue her work with underserved communities, as she maintains that music is a beacon of light for all.