Why Participate?

Grad Slam is more than a competition. It is an opportunity for students to refine their public speaking skills in person and online while also sharing their work with the public. In addition to the possibility of winning Grand Prizes and Themed Awards, students benefit in the following ways:

  • Refine their public speaking skills by attending or viewing Grad Slam training workshops and preparing for and participating in Grad Slam.
  • Networking with judges, attendees, and participants, which leads to new opportunities for interaction and support.
  • Learn about work from other disciplines and opportunities to collaborate.
  • Become eligible for opportunities to represent the University of Arizona at regional and national public speaking events.


Grand Prizes, sponsored by the Office of Research, Innovation, and Impact

  • 1st Place Prize: $3,000
  • 2nd Place Prize: $2,000
  • 3rd Place Prize: $1,000

Online Presentation Award, sponsored by the Graduate and Professional Student Council

  • 1st Place Prize: $1,000
  • 2nd Place Prize: $850
  • 3rd Place Prize: $650

Presenters may compete for this award even if they do not participate in the in-person event. They create a video presentation that is meant to be viewed asynchronously. The rules and rubric for this award are based on the in-person Grad Slam rules and rubric. PLEASE NOTE: All Grad Slam awards are in compliance with Affordable Care Act rules. The awards are not categorized as work hours. Awards are disbursed through the winners' bursar accounts.